Many ways how to get to STCR and the blue zone

By car

The most flexible way to travel in Costa Rica is, to rent a car. We recommend to rent a 4x4, depends where you travel in Costa Rica you will need it.

 If you need an offer just let us know, it is a pleasure to organize you a car.



By car you drive from San Jose to Puntarenas. In Puntarenas take the ferry to Paquera and then from Paquera - Cobano to

Mal Pais / Santa Teresa. The drive takes you more or less 6h (including the ferry)



Departer times find here

We recommend in high and peak season to buy the ticket in advance online




By plane

There are two airlines you can choose to get to Tambor airfield.

The flight from San Jose to Tambor takes 20 min and you will have a amazing view of the peninsula. From the airfield Tambor, we organize you a taxi or a rental car.

It takes a 40 min drive from Tambor to Santa Teresa.


Below the links to the airlines:

Sansa Air

Green Airways

Carmon air charter flights

By public bus

Nicoya Peninsula bus

Costa Rica is easy to travel by bus.

The Peninsula bus it's a easy and cheap way to get from San Jose to Santa Teresa and back. The bus cost $15 and takes 6h. There are two connection per day. 

More Infos: Nicoya Peninsula Bus

shared or private busshuttles




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